How To Get Backlinks That Buzz
with Opinion Pieces
With millions of pieces of content published every day online, how will yours stand out?
Truth is, you have to know how to get backlinks that buzz if you ever want to stand out in the Sea of the Web.

Just pressing publish and crossing your fingers is just not enough, not anymore.
Moreover, if you can get SEO backlinks that not only point back to your site, but that also arouses a strong curiosity and interest in your content, then that’s all the better.

Truth is, the digital landscape has changed.
People have a lot of options these days, and they can easily bounce around online from one site to another to find what they’re looking for.
So if you want to thrive and survive online you have to look at it for what it is, and find ways to to shine light on your content to make it stand out in the crowd.
This will help you to create buzz around your content and drive people back to your site just out of sheer curiosity.
It’s just basic human nature.
Let’s face it, no matter how far technology advances, we’re all only human.
And when people hear other people share their opinions about something, they just naturally want to listen.
This is more effective than seeing ads pop up on their computer screen.
People are tired of that.
They’re more attracted to real things and just want to hear what average people like them think about something.
Kinda like if your friend told you about an interesting article they came across or new product they’ve tried.
I’m willing to bet that you’d find that far more interesting and believable than some random ad or questionable link on a page, right?
Hey, don’t kid yourself.
Content marketing is tougher now more than ever.
People are overwhelmed with blogs, vlogs, images, ads and all type of stuff vying for their attention every single minute online.
The content ocean is flooded with no sign of slowing down, so you have to find a way to cut through all the clutter and make a break for it.
Well the good thing is that you’re not alone. We’ve got a solution for you on how to get backlinks that buzz!
In addition to all of our other effective engagement solutions that we offer you here at, we’ve now created yet another solution for you.
Introducing… Opinion Pieces!

Everybody has an opinion, right?
So why not use OPO – Other People’s Opinion to spread the word about your content?
You need to create some buzz around your content now if you ever want to stand out in the sea of the web.
Your content deserves to be seen, not just buried and forgotten as quick as it’s published.
It takes a lot of time and energy to create worthwhile content these days (and maybe even money if you had to outsource it), so be smart and leverage the power of the people to spread the word about your content.
Don’t tout your own horn, that’s tacky.
Better to sit back and let others talk up your content.
This is far more classy, believable and effective.
So here’s what we’ll do for you…
We’ll have our members write and publish brief opinion pieces about your article, video or other content, linking back to your post using varying anchor text.
This is how to build backlinks that buzz rather than just some generic links.
This will help you achieve 2 Major Things:
1.) It will bring you quality and instant contextual backlinks. This is one of the best methods on how to get backlinks that Google and other search engines love to see.
2.) Visitors just love to see content like this because it’s from someone else just sharing their views about a topic (instead of the content creator or site owner, or some ad popping up in their face). This makes things far more natural and believable – causing a buzz around your content where people will want to visit your site and learn more.
This is all just the Natural Law of Attraction
Search engine spiders love contextual links, because contextual backlinks are the most natural type of backlinks.
And people are curious and interested about what other people think (especially people like them).
We know how to create backlinks that draw attention. So now you can tap into the power of our link building services.
Buy backlinks that buzz with opinion pieces and start gaining some of the most Powerful and Natural inbound links that you could ever have.
Get People Talking
Create Some Buzz Around Your Content Now
Opinion Pieces
Delivery: 2 - 4 days
Opinion Pieces
Delivery: 4 - 6 days
Opinion Pieces
Delivery: 6 - 8 days
Opinion Pieces
Delivery: 8 - 10 days
Opinion Pieces
Delivery: 10 - 12 days