How to Increase Facebook Post Engagement: 10 Proven Tips

Facebook Post Engagement

Is your Facebook Post Engagement falling flat? Well today we want to change all that.

Facebook is no doubt a powerhouse. It has risen to be the most popular social media platform on the planet. With more than 2 billion people frequenting the platform each month, it definitely can’t be ignored.

But if you’re a business owner, do you really understand how to use Facebook effectively?

Facebook has changed a lot over the years, and it’s hard to keep up. That’s where we can help.

This guide will help you to increase your Facebook engagement rate using proven strategies.

So without further ado, let’s review…

How to Increase Facebook Engagement

1. Be Active

If you haven’t posted anything on your Facebook page in awhile, subscribers will see it and wonder why — and they won’t stick around to find out. So post regularly (at least once a day for the best results and to stay top of mind). Post a mix of text, photos and videos. Create a mix of content that will keep your subscribers engaged. Keep your posts interesting and engaging and super targeted to your audience. You want to entice readers to return to your Facebook page regularly. Having a regular posting schedule can help with your organic reach. You can even use Facebook’s scheduling feature to help you stay consistent, to take the publishing load off. Posting regularly helps you build a consistent audience that visits your page regularly.

2. Post Consistently

While you don’t want to post too often, you also don’t want to go more than a few days without posting. Each Facebook user has a list of their favorite pages that they check regularly, and if your page is on that list, they’ll want to see it. Post informative, engaging content. Facebook is all about relationships, so it’s important to make your posts interesting. Photos, videos, and links to articles, blog posts, and other content are your best bet. Also, you can use Facebook’s scheduling tool. Facebook’s scheduling tool, called “boosting,” allows you to schedule posts in advance, then pay to have them show up a certain number of times. This can be particularly useful if you’re doing promotions, because you can use boosting to “flood” your followers with posts.

3. Post Targeted Content

According to Facebook, posting targeted content helps you build an audience that’s more likely to engage with your posts. So, what should you be posting? Anything related to your audience. When posting targeted content, don’t try to target everyone. Instead, focus on your target audience. There’s a saying that goes… “If you try to please everyone you’ll please no one.”

4. Post Photos and Videos

Facebook’s algorithm favors photos and videos – especially videos nowadays. Posts with photos and videos are more likely to show up in the news feed. Also, people are more likely to share a post that has an image, and images tend to be more engaging than just plain text. So overall, post visual content (which can also include content such as memes and infographics. Bottom line is that you want to keep posting “eye-candy” that will reach out and grab the attention of your target audience on Facebook.

5. Use Hashtags

Facebook hashtags are one of the best ways to make your Facebook posts stand out. They allow you to categorize and organize your Facebook posts, making it easy for users to discover posts from like-minded users. Facebook hashtags can be a great way to increase engagement on your Facebook posts. Facebook hashtags are one of the most powerful ways to promote your brand, increase website traffic, and increase engagement with your Facebook posts.

6. Post at Optimal Times.

Like with posting regularly, posting at certain times can help you build an audience that visits your page regularly. And how will you know the optimal times? Well there’s no cut and dry stats for that and it could vary from one account to the other. So the best way to glean insight into this, is to dig into your Facebook stats and analyze what the data is telling you about when your visitors have been most engaged with your posts historically. The numbers don’t lie. Don’t obsess in this area too much, but yes, it’s always best to try to aim and fire out content when your audience is likely to be most engaged with it.

7. Practice Reciprocal Engagement

For example, if someone posts a comment on your Facebook, don’t just leave it there without replying. If you really want to increase your Facebook post engagement, this is an opportunity for you to reply back and add to the conversation. And it doesn’t have to be long responses, people just like to know and appreciate that you’re there and engaged. By showing people that you’re listening and responding to them, you make people feel like they’re part of your community. That engenders trust, which is essential to building a long-term active community and customer base. Now realistically, of course you may not always be able to reply to every single comment. But you should definitely reply to as many as you can, because this type of back & forth engagement is something that Facebook loves to see. The cumulative effects of this is powerful!

8. Promote Your Posts

Don’t just sit back and wait for others to engage with your posts. Once you hit publish your mind should be whirling with ways to promote your new content piece. One obvious way would be to consider paying for the Boost option that Facebook now shows on every posts – or even running a full on Facebook advertising campaign. Many businesses do this – especially in this competitive landscape that we’re in. But it doesn’t just stop there, you can also share your post link on other social media platforms and niche communities where people would really appreciate your kind of information. The opportunities are endless. Just always remember to ask yourself: who does my content serve? … and how can I connect with them in the best possible way? That’s the type of attitude that you need to have. Not a salesy one, not an overly promotional one, but a caring one. Your audience really needs to feel that you have their best interest at heart if you want them to engage with you more. There’s a saying that goes “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”.

9. Use Calls to Action

Facebook’s algorithm rewards posts and pages that get people to do something such as comment, like, share and so on. These interactions are all a part of your social signals. Studies have shown that calls to action such as”Like if you agree” gets 42% more engagement than “Like.” So put some thought into your desired action(s) for each of your Facebook posts, and create compelling calls to action to lead your visitors to engage.

10. Don’t Neglect – Stay Ready and Set

Don’t neglect your Facebook page. Facebook is constantly changing, so it’s important to keep an eye on your page to make sure it’s being optimized. That means adding a compelling cover photo, keeping your cover photo up to date, regularly updating your About section, and of course, regularly posting engaging content.


There’s no exact science on how to increase engagement on Facebook, but the above tips can definitely help. Go ahead, try them! It all falls into the category of Social Media Optimization (SMO) which is the art and science of finding ways to increase engagement and reach on social media platforms. If you actively and regularly put the above tips into practice, they can definitely help to increase your Facebook post engagement, which in turn will help you to improve your overall Facebook performance.

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